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Health Insurance

At MHHC, our door is open TO ALL, whether or not you have insurance. We accept various types of insurance including government programs, managed care plans and private commercial plans. If you don’t have insurance, fees are on a sliding scale based on family size and income. If you would like to enroll for no cost or low cost insurance, a MHHC Representative can assist you. Simply visit our Health Connections office or any MHHC location.


We accept most insurance, including but not limited to:

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • United Health Care
  • Aetna
  • Affinity
  • Healthfirst
  • Fidelis Care
  • Metroplus
  • Wellcare of New York
  • Emblem Health
  • Health Plus: An Amerigroup Company


There is no need to go without needed healthcare for you and your family. You WILL get healthcare if you come to us. If you are uninsured and would like to enroll for no cost or low cost insurance, a MHHC Representative can assist you. Simply visit our Health Connection’s office or any MHHC location. They will assess your situation and eligibility and advise which insurance programs you qualify for and best suit your needs.

Documents to Bring

In most cases you will need the following documents for enrollment in any of the no-cost/low-cost health insurance programs:

  1. Identification: Two forms of photo identification
  2. Proof of current address: utility bill or bank document
  3. Proof of birth: birth certificate and/or immigration status
  4. Proof of income: copy of income tax return or four recent consecutive pay stubs or W-2 form or a notarized letter attesting to annual income.

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost

Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.

· You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

  • Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service.
  • If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can discuss your bill with the Billing Department to help correct any issues prior to disputing the bill.
  • Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or call 718-716-4400 to speak with one of the Billing Department staff.

Tiene derecho a recibir un "estimado de buena fe" que explique cuánto costará su atención médica.

De acuerdo con la ley, los proveedores de atención médica deben brindarles a lospacientes que no tienen seguro o que no utilizan un seguro una estimación de la factura por artículos y servicios médicos.

• Tiene derecho a recibir una estimación de buena fe del costo total esperado de cualquier artículo o servicio que no sea de emergencia. Esto incluye los costos relacionados, como pruebas médicas, medicamentos recetados, equipos y tarifas hospitalarias.

  • Asegúrese de que su proveedor de atención médica le proporcione un Estimado de buena fe por escrito al menos 1 día hábil antes de su servicio o artículo médico. También puede pedirle a su proveedor de atención médica, y a cualquier otro proveedor que elija, una estimación de buena fe antes de programar un artículo o servicio.
  • Si recibe una factura que es al menos $400 más que su estimación de buena fe, puede disputar la factura.
  • Asegúrese de guardar una copia o una imagen de su estimación de buena fe.
  • Para preguntas o más información sobre su derecho a un presupuesto de buena fe, visite o llame al 718-716-4400 para hablar con uno de los empleados del Departamento de Facturación.

Ou gen dwa pou resevwa yon "Bon Estimasyon Lafwa" eksplike konbyen swen medikal ou ap koute

Daprè lalwa, founisè swen sante bezwen bay pasyan ki pa gen asirans oswa ki pa itilize asirans yon estimasyon de bòdwo a pou atik medikal ak sèvis yo. ·

  • Ou gen dwa pou resevwa yon Estimasyon Lafwa Bon pou pri total la espere nenpòt atik ki pa ijans oswa sèvis yo. Sa gen ladan depans ki gen rapò ak tankou tès medikal, medikaman sou preskripsyon, ekipman, ak frè lopital.
  • Asire w founisè swen sante ou ba ou yon Bon Lafwa Estimasyon alekri omwen 1 jou ouvrab anvan sèvis medikal ou oswa atik. Ou kapab mande founisè swen sante ou, ak nenpòt lòt founisè ou chwazi, pou yon Estimasyon Lafwa Bon anvan ou pran yon atik oswa sèvis.
  • Si ou resevwa yon fakti ki omwen $400 plis pase Bon Lafwa ou Estimasyon, ou ka diskite sou bòdwo ou ak Depatman Billing pou ede korije nenpòt pwoblèm anvan ou diskite sou bòdwo a.
  • Asire w ke ou sove yon kopi oswa foto bon lafwa ou Estimasyon. Pou kesyon oswa plis enfòmasyon sou dwa w genyen pou w jwenn yon Bon Estimasyon Lafwa, vizite oswa rele 718-716-4400 pou pale ak youn nan anplwaye Depatman Faktra.